What Does it Actually Mean to “Balance” Your Dosha?

What Does it Actually Mean to “Balance” Your Dosha?

What Does it Actually Mean to “Balance” Your Dosha?  For anyone new to the ancient medical system of Ayurveda, it is obviously a vastly complex, many-millennia-old science, but I will do my best to simplify the concept of doshas for the sake of clarity and 

What to Eat During Your Period + My Fave PMS Recipe!

What to Eat During Your Period + My Fave PMS Recipe!

What to Eat on Your Period… (any followers who are either grossed out by the topic, NOT blessed with a period, or who are otherwise uninterested, consider this your cue to keep on scrolling to another post) Answer: Anything you want!!  No but seriously, there 

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Spring…

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Spring…

Happy Spring!  Nourishing rains are beginning to fall, saturating the earth, and the landscape is becoming a wellspring of life.  It’s a season of birth, new beginnings, growth, and renewal. Seeds are germinating, flowers budding, leaves unfurling, and our physiology senses a natural opportunity for 

What Health Practitioners Wish You Knew about “Germs” & the Immune System: Part 3

What Health Practitioners Wish You Knew about “Germs” & the Immune System: Part 3

Antimicrobials In the third and final installment of this series, I will be going over some safe and effective options for utilizing antimicrobials to protect ourselves against viruses and other infections, WITHOUT disrupting our innate immune response. Simply put, an “antimicrobial” is an agent that 

What Health Practitioners Wish You Knew About “Germs” & the Immune System: Part 2

What Health Practitioners Wish You Knew About “Germs” & the Immune System: Part 2

Diet & Lifestyle Hacks In this installment, I will be introducing some fundamental diet and lifestyle hacks to help ensure your immune system is functioning at its best. As I mentioned in Part 1, our bodies are masterfully-designed healing machines. Every second of every minute 

A Recipe for S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

A Recipe for S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

If you are like me, you might really struggle this time of year – emotionally, energetically, and even physically. Studies suggest that SAD affects as many as 10% of people in Northern latitudes.  This is because, when our optic nerve senses sunlight, the body secretes 

What Health Practitioners Wish You Knew about “Germs” & the Immune System: Part 1

What Health Practitioners Wish You Knew about “Germs” & the Immune System: Part 1

Unpopular Opinion: “Germs” are not your enemy. We are literally walking germ communities. The human body is made up of more microorganisms than actual human cells (about 10 times more). Just like the environment around us, our bodies contain a complex ecosystem of bacteria, yeast, fungi, 

Have You Heard of Kitchari? (+ recipe!)

Have You Heard of Kitchari? (+ recipe!)

Kitchari (or stewed rice and dal) has been a staple of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years as a cleansing and healing dish.  The rice and lentils provide protein to support and nourish the body, while the soaking and cooking methods (as well as the use of 

Eating Healthy on a Budget in 2022

Eating Healthy on a Budget in 2022

Eating well in the New Year is enough of a challenge without rising grocery costs adding to your stress.  According to the 12th edition of Canada’s Food Price Report, family grocery bills are predicted to increase $966 in 2022, as the result of inflation, supply 

Hacks for Balanced Blood Sugar this Holiday Season

Hacks for Balanced Blood Sugar this Holiday Season

Good food (including lots of sweet treats) are an iconic part of the holidays. So of course you don’t want to miss out (nor should you!) The important thing to know is that balanced blood sugar is important for more than just maintaining a healthy