Embracing Winter: Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide

Embracing Winter: Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide

Take a deep breath. Winter is here. Or, as it’s often referred to in the Ayurvedic tradition, “Kapha Season”. Generally characterized by stillness, heaviness, coolness, and long, dark nights, Winter has the potential to seem a bit oppressive, and can leave those of us who 

The Supplements I Take & Why + the Ayurvedic Extract That Helps Us Get More from Our Food

The Supplements I Take & Why + the Ayurvedic Extract That Helps Us Get More from Our Food

One of the most common questions I get from customers in the health food store where I sometimes work is “Which supplements should I be taking?”, which, when they learn I’m also a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, is almost always followed by, “What do you take?” 

Exciting Changes Are Coming!

Exciting Changes Are Coming!

Hey friends!   Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!  Some of you may have noticed that I’ve been quiet lately… As the year winds down and we move into the last complete lunar cycle in 2022, I find myself leaning into softness in a new and welcome 

How to “Fuel to Flourish”: Why You Aren’t Losing Weight on Your Fitness Regimen + Alternate Hunger Cues

How to “Fuel to Flourish”: Why You Aren’t Losing Weight on Your Fitness Regimen + Alternate Hunger Cues

You are a few weeks into a new workout routine and you’re about to check in with the scale. You’re feeling pretty pleased with yourself (and rightly so!); you’ve been hitting the gym consistently several times a week, lifting weights, getting your cardio in, and 

The Missing Ingredient: Cooking with Prana

The Missing Ingredient: Cooking with Prana

The ancient science of Ayurveda (and its sister science, Yoga) recognizes a number of different “bodies” or “anatomies” that make up our being, chief among them being the physical, mental, and energy bodies. We can think of the physical body as a kind of “hardware” – the equipment that allows us to function 

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Summer + Iced Herbal Infusion Recipe

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Summer + Iced Herbal Infusion Recipe

Welcome to Pitta season!   Since today is the solstice, and the official first day of Summer, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to share my Ayurvedic Summer tips and recipes.   In Ayurveda, it is said that like increases like and opposites balance; Have you ever 

Do You Need Electrolytes? + DIY Electrolyte-Booster Recipe!

Do You Need Electrolytes? + DIY Electrolyte-Booster Recipe!

Now that the warm and sunny weather is officially here, you’re no doubt looking forward to more outdoor movement, or maybe doing work outside to get your yard and patio ready for Summer entertaining! Personally, I’ve been hitting the bike trails pretty hard already! Whatever 

What Does it Actually Mean to “Balance” Your Dosha?

What Does it Actually Mean to “Balance” Your Dosha?

What Does it Actually Mean to “Balance” Your Dosha?  For anyone new to the ancient medical system of Ayurveda, it is obviously a vastly complex, many-millennia-old science, but I will do my best to simplify the concept of doshas for the sake of clarity and 

What to Eat During Your Period + My Fave PMS Recipe!

What to Eat During Your Period + My Fave PMS Recipe!

What to Eat on Your Period… (any followers who are either grossed out by the topic, NOT blessed with a period, or who are otherwise uninterested, consider this your cue to keep on scrolling to another post) Answer: Anything you want!!  No but seriously, there 

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Spring…

Your Ayurvedic Guide to Spring…

Happy Spring!  Nourishing rains are beginning to fall, saturating the earth, and the landscape is becoming a wellspring of life.  It’s a season of birth, new beginnings, growth, and renewal. Seeds are germinating, flowers budding, leaves unfurling, and our physiology senses a natural opportunity for