Let’s Talk About Diet Culture & Recovery

Let’s Talk About Diet Culture & Recovery

Since starting my business as a Holistic Nutritionist (RHNP) in 2018, I’ve found the vast majority of my clients have come to me for weight management. Not that there is anything wrong with this. If you are experiencing health or lifestyle challenges that would be 

What is the Pro Metabolic Diet & Is it Here to Stay?

What is the Pro Metabolic Diet & Is it Here to Stay?

In my most recent blog post, “Eating for Energy”, we explored the concept of “metabolism” not as a measure of how easy or difficult it is for us to lose weight, but as defined by how efficiently our cells can convert potential energy from food into usable 

Eating for Energy: It All Comes Down to the Cell

Eating for Energy: It All Comes Down to the Cell

I recently had the pleasure of hosting my in-laws-to-be for a humble Sunday night dinner. I say “humble” only because I don’t have as much time, these days, to curate and prepare the from-scratch, carefully-thought-out feast I normally would like to. But since our guests 

The Truth About Salt…

The Truth About Salt…

Not too long ago, I was out for lunch with family when I heard an older relative describe salt as “pure poison”. When I asked them what they meant by it, the only elaboration they were able to give was that “their doctor told them 

Foods I Meal Prep Every Week

Foods I Meal Prep Every Week

In the recent “Art of Meal Planning” blog post, my colleagues at Nutraphoria School of Holistic Nutrition outlined some easy-to-follow steps that help their clients save time and money while improving their health: 1) Set your goals, 2) Choose your recipes, 3) Make your grocery 

The “Sunshine Spice” that May Help with Seasonal Depression

The “Sunshine Spice” that May Help with Seasonal Depression

Did you know saffron-based pigments have been found in 50,000-year-old paintings in Northwest Iran? Saffron conjures ideas of romance, royalty, and delicacy wherever it appears. But saffron is treasured for more than its colour and art of cultivation (it takes approximately 75,000 saffron flowers to 

What Does It Mean to be Properly Hydrated? + The Importance of Minerals

What Does It Mean to be Properly Hydrated? + The Importance of Minerals

My fiance and I have been very fortunate to enjoy abundant travel opportunities this past year, and during these excursions, it came to my attention that I can be something of a “drill sergeant” when it comes to staying hydrated. I can’t help it. It 

The Benefits of Butter + Kerry Gold vs. St. Brigid’s Creamery: An In-Depth Analysis

The Benefits of Butter + Kerry Gold vs. St. Brigid’s Creamery: An In-Depth Analysis

In a recent Instagram post featuring St. Brigid’s Creamery grass-fed butter, I extoled the benefits of cooking with good-quality butter over industrial seed oils or margarine. Not only is grass-fed butter a rich source of essential fat-soluble vitamins like A, D and K; it also 

The Truth About Supplements

The Truth About Supplements

“The problem with nutrient-by-nutrient nutrition science is that it takes the nutrient out of the context of food, the food out of the context of diet and the diet out of the context of lifestyle.” – Marion Nestle, New York University Nutritionist Like most topics in 

New Service Offerings!

New Service Offerings!

Hi there! Allow me to (re)introduce myself! My name is Alexandra Lucier. I’m a Windsor-born writer, globe-trotter, yoga teacher, Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (R.H.N.P), and certified Ayurvedic and Women’s Health Coach. I’ve had the privilege of travelling the world, meeting beautiful people, exploring different cultures