We Need to Talk About Carbs

We Need to Talk About Carbs


With every new fad diet that raises its ugly head comes the requisite demonization of an entire macronutrient or food group. In the late 80’s and 90’s, that macronutrient was fat, the restriction of which led to sugar- and additive-laden Frankenfood replacements, not to mention a cascade of negative health implications, the scope of which warrant their own separate conversation… 

But lately, the most commonly vilified macro has been carbohydrates. From the Paleo Diet to Atkins, Keto, the South Beach Diet and others, carbs seem to have acquired a bad rap, particularly for individuals looking to lose weight. I’m not proud to admit that I myself have fallen victim to this unfair misrepresentation of one of the most important nutrients for our cellular energy, metabolism, hormonal balance, and our overall health. 

So let’s set the record straight 👩🏻‍🏫;

Every cell in our body requires ALL THREE macronutrients (protein, fats, AND carbohydrates) in balance to function optimally. 

During cellular respiration, our cells break down glucose from carbohydrates and convert it into energy in the form of ATP. This energy is then used to fuel virtually every function in our body and mind, from our brain to our kidneys, liver, heart, and even our central nervous system.

“But what about my weight loss goals?” you might ask. 

If you’re concerned about the impact that even healthy sources of carbohydrates might have on your waistline, consider this: We need glucose to convert the inactive T4 hormone into the active T3 form for our thyroid. When carb intake is drastically reduced, thyroid function declines, leading to a cascade of effects that eventually leads to the down-regulation of our metabolism. 

Can the body adapt to produce energy from other sources, like fats and proteins? Yes. It can, and it will, as we often see in individuals entering ketosis. But this is a survival mechanism (believe it or not, there was once a time when ketosis was considered a “state of medical emergency”). It is not our body’s preferred or most efficient fuel source, and doing so results in an increase in stress hormones, which taxes both our liver and our adrenal glands, which can then lead to a condition known as HPA Axis Disregulation, also known as Adrenal Fatigue. This, along with the aforementioned thyroid disregulation, inevitably results in a slower metabolism, higher rate of fat storage, and more difficulty losing weight. 

So, if you want to provide your body with the best fuel for your brain, heart, liver, hormones, and yes, even your weight loss goals, I’d strongly recommend including some of the following nourishing carbohydrates into your daily meals: 

🌻 Ripe, seasonal fruits (or even stewed/cooked fruits, if those digest better for you)

🌻 Root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and even regular white potatoes, which are rich in Vitamin C, plant-based protein, and essential minerals like potassium

🌻 Raw honey and/or molasses 

🌻 High-quality grains like organic rice and quinoa (soaked or sprouted, to increase digestibility, and optionally cooked in bone broth to boost protein and help balance blood sugar)

I’ve talked a lot and passionately about the benefits of quality-sourced animal proteins on my pages lately (which I’m sure I’ll talk more about in the future), but we mustn’t forget the importance of a well-rounded and varied diet both for our overall physical health, and for a happy, vibrant and balanced life, which is why I still incorporate plant-based meals and healthy carbohydrates on a regular basis. 

What are YOUR favourite sources of carbohydrates?? 🍌🍝🌯🥐

Let me know in the comments below! 👇🏻