What to Eat During Your Period + My Fave PMS Recipe!

What to Eat During Your Period + My Fave PMS Recipe!

What to Eat on Your Period…🩸

(any followers who are either grossed out by the topic, NOT blessed with a period, or who are otherwise uninterested, consider this your cue to keep on scrolling to another post)

Answer: Anything you want!! πŸ˜…

No but seriously, there are a few foods you can try to include (and a few to avoid) that will help alleviate PMS symptoms and replenish essential nutrients that we tend to deplete during That Time of the Month, so we can avoid unnecessary suffering and regain our energy faster! πŸ’ͺ🏻 

Before we get to the nitty gritty, here are a few fun facts:

🌺 The Menstrual Phase occurs during the first half of your cycle (roughly day 1-5), and refers to the time that you are actively bleeding.

🌺 During this time, levels of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones abruptly drop off to their lowest concentrations.

🌺 Your energy may be lower, and your brain chemistry may change by as much as 25%!

🌺 Your metabolic rate (i.e. your metabolism) increases by about 10-20%, studies show.

Because your metabolism is speeding up, you may find that your appetite increases, too. This is because we need more calories to keep our blood sugar balanced during this time, and to encourage our body to start producing hormones again. And how we choose to feed ourselves could make or break our chances for a healthy and (relatively) pain-free period.

So obviously, it’s not only completely acceptable, but NECESSARY to eat more during your period…but eat more of WHAT???  πŸ€” 

Because you’re going through the intense process of menstruation, it’s important to include nourishing, nutrient-rich foods to support your body. Plenty of protein and healthy fats will go a long way for keeping your moods, energy, and blood sugar stable. Eggs and Avocado Toast is a perfect meal for this πŸ³πŸ₯‘, delivering a powerful punch of anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and B vitamins, all of which have been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms. 

We often lose minerals during our period too, so seafood and nori (seaweed) are good choices for remineralizing and providing a good source of zinc πŸ¦ͺ🐟, while potassium and magnesium-rich foods like bananas πŸŒ and dark chocolate πŸ« can help with bloating and cramping. Our iron needs go up during this time as well, so including some grass-fed meat πŸ₯© and/or plant sources like beans and legumes πŸ₯œ may help support your energy levels. πŸ˜ƒ

If you struggle with painful cramps, strong ginger or chamomile tea, along with some magnesium supplementation, can help relax the muscles and provide some relief. πŸ΅ 

Our bodies are remarkably intelligent, and if you’re experiencing cravings, it is likely because that food is rich in certain nutrients that you may be deficient in. This is why, when it comes to both food and exercise, it’s important to listen to your body and respect what it’s trying to tell you. πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™€οΈ 

At the same time, it’s also important to remember that our bodies can get confused, especially in today’s world with the ready availability of hyper-palatable, energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods. Sometimes we may crave things like sugary processed treats or coffee to give us the energy boost we so desperately need, but caffeine and sugar, along with alcohol, are all very disruptive to our blood sugar and hormone balance, and have been shown to destabilize mood, and prolong or intensify PMS symptoms like migraines, skin breakouts, and cramping πŸ€•

It’s certainly true that all foods can be a part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle, but these particular foods may be best avoided during this time, if you’re someone who struggles with consistently difficult or painful periods. You may also want to avoid certain foods that you know are hard for you to digest, or that cause bloating or fluid retention. Although this is different for everyone, gluten, dairy, and excessive or harsh fibres are common culprits.

If you’re looking for a nourishing, supportive, and most importantly delicious treat to bring you some comfort during your period, my Peanut Butter & Banana Nice Cream recipe is perfect for satisfying those sweet cravings while also serving up some soothing and easy-to-digest healthy fats, protein, potassium, and magnesium:


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